Sling it baby!
Everyone loves babies. They’re cute, cuddly and have that gorgeous baby smell; and we simply love to show them off at every opportunity. Having a baby is one of the proudest and humbling moments of any parent’s life, and we never want to put our pride and joy down, ever.
You may have seen many a parent walking round with their infant strapped in to a baby carrier, either on their front or back. These are brilliant items to have; however so is the baby sling.
Inspired by the Inuit women of Brazil, the baby sling has long since convinced us of the benefits of carrying babies in slings close to our bodies. It seems this not only promotes the infants development; but it also increases their emotional wellbeing, cognitive and motor skills. But above all that, you get to keep your beautiful baby close to your heart, and within kissing distance for all those goo-goo-gaa-gaa moments.
Maybe you’re a family who likes to get out and about in the great outdoors? And unless you’ve tried wheeling a pram over hills and uneven ground; you truly won’t understand just how difficult this really is.
The genius of a baby sling lets you keep your baby under your watchful eye at all times; whilst maintaining that closeness you desire with your infant at such a crucial stage of its life.
The baby sling isn’t just for mothers either. It’s beneficial for the child to be carried by the father as well; which gives you mums a well-earned break.
You shouldn’t just take my word for this; instead give the baby sling a try from These soft, colourful and brilliantly simple to use baby slings will leave you wondering whether there’s one large enough to carry you.