Sensory-Friendly Chairs for Special Needs & Autism

Hanging Chairs with Rocking Motion 
The gentle rocking of our hanging chairs offers a comforting, rhythmic motion that can help reduce anxiety and provide a safe space for relaxation. These chairs are perfect for those who find comfort in a soft, soothing swing. 

DISCOVER Helpful guides on comfort, well-being, and sensory support.

    Fixing Use
    Fixing for your...
    Compatible With...
    Spreader Bar Length (cm)
    Recommended Hanging Height (at least)
    Compatible with Hammocks Measuring
    Frame Material
    Load Capacity (kg)
    Fits which product
    12 years experience


    We love hammocks so much that in 2010 we set up Simply Hammocks, selling the worlds finest hammocks. We ONLY sell hammocks we would want to own ourselves and after speading happiness to thousands of gardens around the UK, we consider ourselves experts in all things hammock!

    All our hammocks come with 12 month warranty and free delivery, and if you have any questions we are here to help.