How to get your garden ready for spring

With Spring just around the corner, hopefully you are starting to think about the projects you want to complete in your garden this year. Personally, I’m aiming to build a raised bed for some veg, but that aside, what else should you be doing at this time of year?
Obviously, our number one tip for this time of year is to sort out where you are going to hang your hammock. We are asked all the time which hammocks work best in certain spaces, and truthfully, as long as you have measured your hanging space accurately, you cant go wrong, if you still feel like you need to speak to us, we are always happy to help;
If you are wanting a hammock set, which if you are less choosy about colour, might be perfect, as we have negotiated super cheap pricing on your behalf, but have slightly less choice available.
Below you will find a list of jobs you can be getting on with in the garden this month. Admittedly, we did have a little help from our friends at the RHS, on the whole it’s all about your prep…
- Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials
- Plant summer-flowering bulbs
- Top dress containers with fresh compost
- Prune bush and climbing roses
- Plant shallots, onion sets and early potatoes
- Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early
As far as the big stuff… hold fire for now, at least until the weather is a little warmer! So all we need to do now is hope that the weather stays mild, and even that the sun might come out.
Happy gardening!
Team Simply xxx