7 Reasons To Be More Adventurous

Adventures are essential to life, they don't have to be big either, research suggests that going out even for a small walk in nature can do you the world of good. Best of all, you get to experience how the world can work when it’s not influenced.
Being at one with nature opens your eyes and senses to new things, stimulates creativity, soothes the mind and, if done regularly, will keep you fit. Then, when you need to sit down and take it all in, what better way to relax than in a hammock.
As Eleanor Roosevelt once stated, "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience." In other words, we grow and become our best selves when we take advantage of new adventures.
When was the last time you took on an adventure in nature? Perhaps, now, would be a good time to start. And, if you need further encouragement, here are fives reasons why you should:
1. Very few people try something new anymore
As human beings, we default to the familiar (research even suggests we're wired to do so). Why would we want to seek new adventures if we are already comfortable? In fact, even when we get that little inkling that we should try something new, our minds quickly shut it down. Say no to anything that limits you and choose to stand out!
2. New experiences are almost always at the top of our bucket lists.
One of our greatest flaws as employees is that we don't make full use of our holidays. We already have so much on our plates, the idea of letting our inboxes pile up for a few days seems unfathomable. Well, meet your new excuse - your bucket list. According to survey's, more than half of Americans list visiting a new place as something that's a priority, followed by excursions they'd like to go on. Don't wait until it's too late to do the things that matter most to you.
3. Sharing the adventure with loved ones makes them automatically more enjoyable
Not only is it important to seize new adventures, but you should also share those experiences with others. A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that those who engaged in a positive activity with a friend experienced more amplified enjoyment from the event.
4. Adventures can make us happier people in the long run.
It's time to stop putting off climbing that mountain, seeing that national treasure or learning a new language. Research shows that people who partake in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive feelings than people who have fewer experiences, Time reported. Additionally, even the smallest experiences can have an impact on our joy -- moments like a spontaneous laugh with a loved one or an encounter with a friendly dog. Good memories and happy emotions? We'll take it.
5. They can help change our view on life and how you spend your time in general
Think about it...how many times have we just "rolled through the motions" only to realize that Christmas is in a few weeks! When we embrace new adventures, we're interrupting our everyday flow - in the best possible way. In a 2011 New Yorker profile written by Burkhard Bilger, neuroscientist David Eagleman explains how our bias for the familiar affects how fast we think time flies.
6. Gain a sense of accomplishment
Being adventurous is a brilliant way to challenge what you think is possible. We are all aware that comfort and fear keeps us back from pushing ourselves to achieve new wonderours things. Giving yourself the ability to add another skill or accomplisment to your personal resume, can add a whole other level of quality to your life. Not everyone can say they have climed Mt.Killimanjaro, but you could be one of them.
7. You can get smarter
An article publsihed by Good Natura Travel noted that immersing yourself in the outdoors and being adventurous can increase your higher order cognition in a variety of ways. A study explored the affect exercise has on the brain, the results showed participants brains's scaned after exercise had more focused and greater activity in their prefrontal cortex than before.