
Jobek hammocks

Jobek was founded many years ago when two German brothers wanted to launch a range of hammocks after going on a backpacking holiday in the 1970s. Josef and Bernhard Köpf (hence the name Jo-Bek) were driven by a vision to bring the benefits of the Brazilian hammocks to the masses after the positive effects, which has been proven in numerous studies. The range of Jobek hammocks are really unique, all use FSC wood and are made using the highest standards.

    Compatible with Hammocks Measuring
    Frame Material
    End to End Length (cm)
    Load Capacity (kg)
    Clearance Grade
    12 years experience


    We love hammocks so much that in 2010 we set up Simply Hammocks, selling the worlds finest hammocks. We ONLY sell hammocks we would want to own ourselves and after speading happiness to thousands of gardens around the UK, we consider ourselves experts in all things hammock!

    All our hammocks come with 12 month warranty and free delivery, and if you have any questions we are here to help.